Thats me!!

My name is Golby Young and im a IT major currently studying at the University of Belize (UB). Im 19 years of age and although im not the brightest of IT students i am determind to finish and do my best. I currently live in Benque Viejo Del Carmel. I love to play sports, mainly basketball and i usually make music in my free time.

Thats me!!

Jenny Itza is an IT major student currently studying at the University of Belize (UB). She is 17 years old and only desires to finish her Associates degree in IT.

Thats me!!

My Name is Jason Fortik, Im from San Jose Village, Orange Walk District. I`m 19 years old and I enjoy coding and watching Shark Tank. I have attained an associates degree in accounting and management from Muffles Junior College, and I plan on getting a bachelors in IT at UB. I`m also interested in physics and chemistry.

Thats me!!

Mario is a first year I.T student at the University of Belize, he is currently pursuing an Associates Degree in that field. Mario has minimal experience in the field of I.T but is determined, humble and willing to learn. Mario is currently honing his skills, in C++, HTML, CSS, and Photoshop. Mario seeks to procure a higher understanding of computers and continue his studies as much possible.

Thats me!!

This is a image of me and I am taking Fundamentals of Computing with Mr. Keiran Ryan. I am also in group 3.

Thats me!! Thats me!!
